ACCA You Count Campaign - Social Media Marketing

ACCA You Count Campaign – Social Media Marketing

ACCA You Count Campaign – Social Media Marketing

ACCA is the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Client Brief


  • Our objective is to collaborate with ACCA and work in tandem with other website design firms to successfully launch the “You Count” campaign in Singapore. Our role includes not only aiding the design of campaign but also specializing in data analytics to monitor the campaign’s digital performance and success.


Target Audience

  • Industry Stakeholders: Financial institutions and companies that are related the accounting sector.
  • Potential Candidates: Accounting professionals that seek further accreditations and recognition within the industry


Key challenges

  • Collaborative environment:  Coordinating efforts with multiple web design firms to ensure a consistent and cohesive and user-friendly campaign
  • Data Analytics: Implementing a robust data analytics system to monitor the campaign’s digital performance, assess its success, and provide actionable insights to enhance its impact
  • Timely Reporting: Establishing a reporting process that delivers real-time performance data, allowing “ACCA” and its partners to make informed decisions and optimizations during the campaign.

Our Solution

Created and copy righted compelling and informative content, with provided collaterals, that resonates with the target audience, including potential candidates, accounting professionals, organizations, and stakeholders. All while generating a weekly report on them for the use of analytical tracking.



Strategically and proactively engage with a broad audience of over a million potential individuals or customers to maximize reach and impact of the campaign.

The Team

Project Manager – Tan Yong Li
Copywriter – Melanie & Petrina
Web Developer – Md Tarccqul Islam
Web Designer – Marina Masud Mizoguchi

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