Chengtai Nursery - Social Media Management

Chengtai Nursery – Social Media Management

Chengtai Nursery – Social Media Management

Chengtai Nursery has been one of the most prominent Singapore Bonsai Nurseries, providing a wide collection of plants and gardening equipment for many local flora and fauna lovers for decades.

Client Brief


  • Online Presence: Design a bespoke social media marketing campaign to effectively establish ChengTai Nursery’s digital footprint and gain visibility in the market.
  • Capability Showcase: To highlight the company’s expertise, projects, and services, aimed at gaining industry awareness.
  • Digital Integration: Seamlessly integrate their social media  with their website to create a unified digital presence.


Target Audience

  • Potential Customers: Such as but not exclusive to, gardening enthusiasts, homeowners, landscape architects, businesses, and individuals seeking quality plants, landscaping solutions, and garden maintenance services.
  • General Public: Those keen on learning more about horticulture

Our Solution

Integrate cartoon visuals and animations into branding and marketing materials to attract a younger audience

Highlighting seasonal promotions and the arrival of fresh plant batches to cultivate a sense of urgency, motivating customers to make purchases during specific times of the year.



Revitalized branding to resonates with the target audience, resulting in a 30% increase in sales through social media. Successfully established a robust online presence and launched a thriving e-commerce business.

The Team

Project Manager – Tan Yong Li
Copywriter – Melanie & Petrina
Web Developer – Md Tarccqul Islam
Web Designer – Marina Masud Mizoguchi

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