Tsurumi Avant - Social Media Management - Digipixel Pte Ltd.

Tsurumi Avant – Social Media Management

Tsurumi Avant – Social Media Management

Tsurumi Avant, a Japanese firm specializing in the manufacturing of submersible water pumps

Client Brief


  • Manage the social media marketing of two distinct product lines while maintaining consistency with their established branding


Target Audience

  • Industry Stakeholders: Companies and professionals interested in submersible pumps
  • Potential Customers: Individuals and businesses looking for durable and high-performance submersible pumps for various applications.


Key Challenges

  • Brand Consistency: Maintaining the established brand identity while differentiating between two distinct product lines
  • Product Differentiation: Effectively distinguishing between the two product lines to cater to the specific needs and preferences of different customer segments
  • Marketing Strategy: Devising a social media marketing strategy that highlights the unique features and technical specifications of each product line

Our Solution

Produce targeted content that addresses the uniqueness and benefits associated with each product line, with emphasis on performance, reliability, and ease of maintenance.

Developed and copy righted new visual branding for each product line. These elements make it easier for customers to distinguish between the two lines while still feeling connected to the overarching “Tsurumi” brand.



Generated Over 300,000 engagements

The Team

Project Manager – Tan Yong Li
Copywriter – Melanie & Petrina
Web Developer – Md Tarccqul Islam
Web Designer – Marina Masud Mizoguchi

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